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Find a famous speaker to make an impression!

Who are the famous speakers?

Actors, sportsmen, performers, scientists, authors… a famous speaker is a celebrity that can be found in different sectors and fields of expertise.

When we think of ” famous people “, we think in particular of celebrities from the audiovisual, entertainment or artistic world. However, a celebrity or a famous speaker can also be a scientist with national or even worldwide fame, they can be sportsmen, authors or philanthropists, and so many more.

Creativity, audacity, artificial intelligence, connected health, individual performance, gender diversity in business, brand DNA…

With multiple and varied fields of expertise, famous speakers intervene in conferences, or other formats, on a number of themes whose only limit is imagination.

Our team can advise and assist you in selecting a famous speaker for your event. With an extensive and carefully developed network of celebrities, our consultants can tell you which public figure is most relevant to your event.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of choosing famous speakers?

When you work with a famous speaker, you associate your image with theirs and in this way you benefit from their reputation: 

  • your brand image is associated with that of the famous public figure;
  • the perceived value of your event increases, as audiences often associate the reputation of a speaker with quality interventions. Therefore, the messages your keynote speaker transmits are also more easily remembered and shared;
  • your speaker can have a significant influence on the attendance of guests, depending on how well known he or she is.

Choosing a famous speaker for your event can be very tempting. However, don’t focus solely on a speaker’s reputation: the most important thing is to choose the speaker who will embody your event 

perfectly and who will convey the right messages, powerfully and pedagogically, to your target audiences.

If our speakers bureau offers you certain profiles, it is because they have all the necessary skills, expertise, eloquence and legitimacy to carry out your project.

Thanks to our expert network, we can provide you with personalities of various levels of recognition to suit your plans and budgetary constraints.

Our famous speakers intervene in various formats

Des séminaires aux salons, en passant par les remises de prix, les conférenciers inspirants marquent vos événements avec des interventions porteuses de sens, encourageant vos équipes à s’ouvrir à de nouveaux sujets et s’inspirer de parcours exceptionnels.

Famous speakers put their image at the service of yours ; they leave their mark with strong and meaningful messages. From seminars to trade fairs, including award ceremonies, famous speakers are not only involved in conferences but also in other formats and types of events.

Famous speakers give conferences and keynote speeches

Alone on a stage, they speak to a targeted audience to convey knowledge and impactful messages. Thanks to their charisma and expertise, famous speakers have exceptional backgrounds that allow them to provide your audience with new keys on various subjects and to arouse admiration.

Famous speakers answer your questions in interviews

One-on-one with a journalist, famous speakers are used to giving interviews and are fully trained in public speaking and the media. Through a dynamic and natural conversation, they deliver a more personal and warm speech.

Famous speakers attend round tables

By leading an organized discussion with several personalities, experts, celebrities or inspiring people, the speakers share their ideas and express their points of view on various themes. With a moderator to guide the discussion, all participants are able to deliver their speeches with accuracy and without undue interruption. In this way, your audiences adopt a critical mindset, weighing each argument and forming a new opinion.

As we are aware that a famous speaker is one of the central elements of your event, our consultants ensure that they are chosen carefully and are responsive to any situation.

How to find famous speakers?

When organizing a professional event, there are many types of speakers you can choose for your event, including famous speakers. Famous speakers are highly requested and you need to make sure that your project and your budget are compatible with them.

The best way to do this is to contact a company that specializes in finding speakers for your business events.

You have several choices:

Speakers bureaus or celebrity agencies

Thanks to a large address book, a “speakers’ bureau” or a “celebrity agency” advises companies, communication agencies or advertisers, both private and public, in order to link renowned individuals to their various events or communication projects.

A speakers bureau carefully matches the choice of its famous speakers with the objectives and image of the client and the theme of the event.

Find a famous speaker within our Expert Network, Uprightly

With an extensive and finely developed network, our team works closely with private and public sector players to select the right expert for their projects, needs and objectives.

To enlighten your audiences, inspire them or give them new keys to understanding, our speakers are industry and subject-matter experts who intervene on many themes such as the economy, artificial intelligence, science, creativity, self-confidence, optimism or boldness.